Status of Plugins for GNU TeXmacs Plugin Status Last Checker Date asymptote Asymptote 2.44 on GNU/Linux @sadhen 2018-10-14 axiom broken @sadhen 2018-10-14 cadabra Cadabra 1.46 on GNU/Linux @sadhen 2018-10-14 dratex It works fine, documentation needed @sadhen 2018-10-14 eukleides Eukleides 1.5.4 on GNU/Linux gstopng failed for ramdisc:// @sadhen 2018-10-14 feynmf broken @sadhen 2018-10-14 fricas FriCAS 1.3.4 on MacOS and GNU/Linux @sadhen 2018-10-14 gnuplot Gnuplot 5.2.2 on GNU/Linux @sadhen 2018-10-14 giac Giac on GNU/Linux @sadhen 2018-10-14 graphviz broken @sadhen 2018-10-14 macaulay2 Macaulay 2 v1.12 on MacOS @sadhen 2018-10-14 maxima Maxima 5.41 on GNU/Linux and MacOS @sadhen 2018-10-14 pari PARI/GP 2.9.5 on GNU/Linux, PARI/GP 2.11.0 on MacOS @sadhen 2018-10-14 sage SageMath 8.3 on MacOS, SageMath 8.1 on GNU/Linux @sadhen 2018-10-14 scilab broken @sadhen 2018-10-14 xypic It works fine on GNU/Linux @sadhen 2018-10-14 yacas Yacas 1.3.6 on GNU/Linux @sadhen 2018-10-14 Python, Shell, Scheme should always work. ============ Forwarded message ============ From : Darcy Shen <***> To : "texmacs-dev"<texmacs-***> Date : Sun, 14 Oct 2018 21:10:30 +0800 Subject : [Texmacs-dev] Maintain the status of plugins for GNU TeXmacs ============ Forwarded message ============ These days, I check the plugins for GNU TeXmacs, update the dead link and apply bug fixes. I maintained the status of plugins in a I will check the other plugins and fix the bugs the next weekend. _______________________________________________ Texmacs-dev mailing list Texmacs-***